Living Popups Library

Try the App for Free

Scan the QR code, download the App and point the camera at one of the book covers. Our characters will literally jump off the page of these high-quality paperback books.

Always In My Heart

Cooper the Dog

Little Buck The Fire Truck

The Boxcar Children 1

The Boxcar Children 2

The Boxcar Children 3

The Boxcar Children 4

Of Mice and Men

Living Popups Reading Companions

The Living Popups augmented reality reading companion is meant to be used along with the text of the original novel. At the beginning of each chapter, characters from the story jump from the page and share insights that help the reader better appreciate and understand the story. At the end of each chapter are interactive questions that challenge the reader to consider what they’ve just read and engage in a “discussion” with the characters to further explore themes and concepts. 

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