Makey Makey Classroom Invention Literacy Kit

Convert Day-to-Day Objects into a Keyboard

The Makey Makey connects to your computer and pretends to be a USB keyboard and mouse.  It then takes impulses from alligator clips that you connect to conductive objects and to the Makey Makey board, and when you press two or more conductive objects together, it converts that into a keyboard press/mouse command.  Design your own controller with everyday materials like play-dough or graphite pencils. Control your favorite Scratch game while you learn to code.

The people at Makey Makey believe in Invention Literacy. It means that they think you should be able to “read” inventions so you can make new ones! Inventions are the “human-made part of the world we live in.” Check out this article where Jay Silver explains his ideas about Invention Literacy or read his article on Invention Literacy here.

1000s OF Possibilities! A boredom buster. If you can imagine it, you can make it! Unlike other electronic toys, the possibilities for experiments and creations are limitless.

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EDGEucating Rating

Standard Alignments

Onboarding PD Provided

Advanced-Use PD Provided

Value Vs Cost


Additional Equipment Required


Prior Tech Knowledge Necessary


Award-winning product!

The original Makey Makey Classic – Named one of Consumer Reports’ “Best Tech Toys of 2014,” “Best of Toy Fair 2014” by Popular Science, and a finalist for Toy of the Year 2016.

What it is and why it was created?

It is a spin-off from

The creators, Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum invented Makey Makey because they want you to understand how the world works, so you can look at the world and see it as something you can change. Essentially, the world is a construction kit! Everything around you can be used for inventing! To help you invent using everyday items, they created Makey Makey. It is a circuit board that you plug into your computer and it acts as a keyboard. Each metal pad that you see on the device is a conductive touchpad. That means the touchpads can be connected to other things to invent whatever you can dream up!

Watch his video here.

The company started out as a project that was initiated by two students at MIT Media Lab under the advisorship of Mitch Resnick and is an academic and artistic project. Now it’s both a business and a project with thousands of community collaborators, with more joining the ranks of inventors every day.

The Makey Makey STEM Pack contains:

  • 12 Classics kits
  • 12 (6ft) Alligator Clips
  • 12 (6ft) Connector Wires
  • 144 extra Alligator Clips
  •  144 New and Improved Connector Wires (for the back)
  • 12 Optimized Conductive 6B Pencils

Perfect for classrooms, schools, districts, workshop teachers, and anyone else that wants all their kits in a really nicely organized briefcase. The STEM Kit is a distillation of 12 classics kits, 12 booster packs, and some extra parts for when you want to invent something even bigger.


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